Events in 2023

Choose upcoming or held meetings

February 2023 (To the top ↑)

21. Feb

Morning Connections: Folkehallene

Time: 08:30 - 10:30

Looking for activities for your children? Look no further. Folkehallene has it all! They offer Norway's widest selection of activities for the entire family.

March 2023 (To the top ↑)

14. Mar

Morning Connection: Well-being

Time: 08:30 - 10:30

95 % off the serotonin you body produces is made in your intestines, how can what you eat effect your emotions? and the importance of teaching our children about well-being are a few of the subject Maria Paola from Lærdal Medical will address at ISS.

May 2023 (To the top ↑)

23. May

Morning Connections: Explore the Stavanger Region

Time: 08:40 - 10:30

Welcome to the Edge of Norway! How to explore the Stavanger region in 2023 @ISS

June 2023 (To the top ↑)

03. Jun

Are you a relay runner?

Time: 12:00 - 12:00

Join the Stavanger Chamber International relay team for EnergiStafetten the 3rd of June. We need 10 eager runners!

21. Jun


Time: 19:00 - 21:30

Get ready to expand your network and make meaningful connections at our Speedfriending event in Stavanger!

September 2023 (To the top ↑)

11. Sep

Quiz night at Martinique

Time: 19:30 - 22:00

Join us for a social night at Martinique - with a fun quiz!

26. Sep

Morning Connections: Stavanger region

Time: 08:40 - 10:30

Possibilities in the region, covering everything from useful networks, library services, activities and outdoor opportunities for families with children.

26. Sep

Building a professional international network

Time: 18:30 - 21:00

This gathering presents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to bring together all stakeholders in the energy sector and contribute to strengthening the Energy Capital, with how to grow with your personal network in mind.

October 2023 (To the top ↑)

12. Oct

Social night at Lervig Local

Time: 19:00 - 21:30

Please join us for a social evening at Lervig Local.

16. Oct


Time: 18:45 - 21:00

Get ready to expand your network and make meaningful connections at our Speedfriending event in Stavanger!

27. Oct

Guided tour: Sølvberget Library and Culture center

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Sølvberget is a gold mine when it comes to networking activities, holds a great meeting arena as well as offering library services, legal aid, språkkafé to help you fine tune your Norwegian language skills.

November 2023 (To the top ↑)

08. Nov

A Community Conversation on Gender Equality and Inclusion

Time: 18:30 - 21:00

How to foster a more inclusive and diverse culture in Stavanger? Join us to hear three different stories on business insight, personal journey and pointer of how to stay proactive and create opportunities in a new culture.

14. Nov

Morning Connections: Emotional intelligence

Time: 08:40 - 10:30

How can we benefit from being aware of our emotional intelligence?

29. Nov

Quiz night at Blåveis

Time: 18:30 - 21:00

Welcome to a new quiz night at Blåveis on anything between heaven and earth!

December 2023 (To the top ↑)

05. Dec

Morning Connections: Well-being in Winter

Time: 08:40 - 10:30

Mental Health for Adults and Students as the dark winter season is upon us.

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