Norway can make a difference
Kristin Kragseth from Vår Energi and Monica Bjørkmann from Subsea 7.

Norway can make a difference

The oil and gas industry is part of the solution, not the problem, say Kristin Kragseth from Vår Energi and Monica Bjørkmann from Subsea 7. Norway can make a difference in a world that has to drastically cut emissions, the two top leaders agree.
17.September 2019 Elianne Strøm Topstad

Combined they have over 50 years of experience in the Norwegian oil and gas industry. Both have had various positions within their respective companies, and now serve as CEO and Vice President in an industry dominated by men the closer to the top one gets.

They also represent an industry where market forces have caused massive fluctuations, both positive and negative. The new debate – historically – is the political debate on when and how to phase out what has been one of Norway’s most profitable industry’s through many decades.

This is a debate both Kragseth and Bjørkmann really want to engage in. They agree that climate change is very challenging and very complex with no simple or easy solutions.


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