Global talent management – a guide for onboarding

Once the practicalities like tax and residency concerns are addressed, the focus shifts to the critical phase of onboarding international employees. Effective onboarding goes beyond paperwork; it involves providing comprehensive support and guidance tailored to the employee´s unique needs and backgrounds. This includes cultural orientation, language assistance, and access to a network and events. By providing a robust onboarding process, organisations not only facilitate a smoother transition for international employees but also lay the groundwork for their long-term success and retention within the company. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Cultural Sensitivity and Integration: Recognise and respect cultural differences. Provide support and resources to help international employees integrate into the workplace and the local community.  Training and Seminars

Language Proficiency: Assess the candidate's language proficiency, especially if the job requires strong communication skills. Consider offering language training or support if needed.

Communication and Support: Maintain open and transparent communication with international employees throughout the hiring process and beyond. Provide ongoing support and resources to address any challenges they may face.

Cross-Cultural Training: Offer cross-cultural training to help international employees navigate cultural differences in the workplace and foster a more inclusive environment for all employees. Provide Norwegian staff working in an international team with cross cultural training. Training and Seminars

Pre-Arrival Preparation: Provide comprehensive information and resources to international employees before their arrival, including details about the company, job role, workplace culture, and relocation logistics.

Welcome Package: Prepare a personalized welcome package for international employees, including essential documents, company policies, and contact information for key personnel.

Orientation Program: Conduct a thorough orientation program to familiarize international employees with the company's mission, values, policies, and procedures. Provide an overview of the organizational structure and introduce key team members. Include an area orientation course day.

Technology Setup: Ensure that international employees have access to the necessary technology and tools required for their job role. Provide training on internal systems, software, and communication platforms.

Buddy/ Mentor Program: Pair international employees with a buddy or mentor who can provide guidance, support, and assistance during their onboarding process. Encourage regular check-ins and open communication.

Social Integration: Facilitate opportunities for social integration, such as team-building activities and networking events. Make sure all employees working in an international environment have some cross cultural training  to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Encourage interaction and collaboration among international employees and their colleagues. Provide a network through our  SCI events.

Feedback and Support: Solicit feedback from international employees throughout the onboarding process to identify any challenges or concerns. Offer ongoing support and assistance to address their needs and ensure a smooth transition into the organization and society.

By incorporating these elements into the onboarding process, HR can help international employees feel welcomed, supported, and empowered to succeed in their new role and environment.

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