
Renting a property

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What to keep in mind in the rental market with Relocation!

Welcome to a tailored property session addressing all the do's and dont's when renting property in Norway! Cynthia Myrnes from Relocation knows what you need to stay on top, what to avoid, and how to navigate in the renting marked. This session is suitable for anyone already renting a property but also looking to find a new rental. 

Rental topics: 

🏠 Looking for a property
🏠 Signing an agreement
🏠 Settling up the deposit
🏠 Moving into the property
🏠 Terminating the lease
🏠 How to avoid unreasonable claims 


Any questions for the event can be directed to: Randi Mannsåker

Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's highly important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!


18:30 Registration

18:45 Welcome, by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce

18:50 Do's and dont's when renting property in Norway, Cynthia Myrnes, Relocation

20:00 Q & A


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