
Tech Night: Innovation at Aarbakke AS

Get inspired by Aarbakke and Aarbakke innovation!

Let´s talk about innovation!

Aarbakke started in 1918 with horse shoes, today 99 percent of the production is related to the oil industry, customers being various subsea and oil service companies. The company has experience a rapid growth and has continuously focus on renewal, innovation and being ahead of the curve. Aarbakke Innovation was founded on the principles of innovation and entrepreneurialism and together with the sister company Aarbakke they offer the full product life cycle, taking an idea through development, manufacturing, assembly, testing, and aftercare.

Welcome to a night at Jæren, you'll be inspired, feel the excitements and a experience a company culture emphasizing on humor to create a good atmosphere and a positive work environment.

This event will take place at: Aarbakke, Langmyra 1, 4344 Bryne (shuttle from Bryne Station) or carpool from Stavanger.


17.24 Train from Stavanger to Bryne (17.56)  Carpool from Bryne Station to Aarbakke 
18.00 Registration
18.05 Welcome and HMS, by Kennet Rosén 
18.10 Culture, transformation, innovation and recruiting, by Hans Olav Frette.
18.20 Ultra no dig & WAM intro, by Reid Skjerpe.
18.30 Visiting the production hall (we split participants in two groups) Ultra no dig & WAM
19.15 Food and networking
19.30 Aarbakke Innovation: SHIFTER
20.00 Smart Factory - WAM (Welded Arc Manufacturing)
20.15 Q & A
20.30 Closing
20.59 Train from Bryne  (or Carpool) 


For more information, please contact Maria Mår Johansen


TECH-NIGHT is an informal meeting place for everyone who's psyched about technology in all it's glory! This will be a melting pot across academia, business and public sector. Everyone is welcome to join the discussion!

The concept will consist of short introductions from academia and two to three companies within a subject area or dilemma, and an open discussion about the possibilities within the current topic, followed by networking. The events should be informal and a unique arena to make connections across age, experience and disciplines. The common interest being TECHNOLOGY!

Please enroll with company details (either company email or a private e-mail pluss company details), it's highly important for us to be able to register who attends our events. This leaves you with a more updated attendee list - giving you maximum gain from both our events and networking. Hope to see you!



17.24 Departure with train from Stavanger

17.56 Arrival Bryne station (carpool to Aarbakke)

18.15 Registration, small talk and refreshments.

18:45 Welcome remarks, by Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Aarbakke.

19:00 What position does TECH have in mechanical industry and how to stay ahead of demand?

19.45 Q & A by all.

20.00 Company tour, by all.

21.00 Closing and carpool to Bryne Station (or back to Sandnes/ Stavanger)

21:28 Departure from Bryne Station by train.

22:00 Arrival Stavanger.


Aarbakke Introduction, Inger Tone Ødegård

Aarbakke Introduction.pdf

Aarbakke Innovation, Inger Tone Ødegård

Waam (Wire arc additive manufactoring).pdf

Tech Night Aarbakke Innovation, Inger Tone Ødegård

Tech night - Innovation at Aarbakke.pdf

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