
Stavanger – an attractive financial centre

Finance master students are invited to a social evening together with the established​ finance institutions in Stavanger.

The Stavanger region has a fast-growing financial sector, including venture capital funds with increasing available funds. Stavanger Chamber of Commerce has its own Finance resource group consisting of a range of financial institutions working together since 2001 to create a strong financial hub in the region. They hereby invite finance master students and businesses to a social evening where the discussion will be around future job possibilities in the finance industry as well as discussing interesting topics for a master theses in finance.

Social networking, including pizza and drinks.

This event is free of charge, kindly sponsored by HitecVision, PwC and Sandnes Sparebank. 


For more information or questions, please contact Inger Tone Ødegård


Due to COVID-19 regulations, capacity is strictly limited and we need a participant list for all events, incl. phone number.   If you have a company/ University  e-mail address, please use your formal e-mail. Only one person per e-mail. Company name for students might be UIS Studenter or BIS student

It is important that you are familiar with our routines before you arrive to one of our events.




18.30 Registration and coffee.

18.45 Welcome, by Inger Tone Ødegård, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Sylwia Joffcheff, Leader Børsklubben UiS.

19.00 Career in audit, Maria Kjersem and Tore Huse Olsen, Associates, PwC.

19.15 Finance and green development, by Frances Eaton, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Nysnø Climate Investments.

19.30 Carreer in bank and finance, by Carl Fredrik Hjelle, Head of Treasury, Sandnes Sparebank.

19.45 HitecVision Graduate Program, by Silje Nilsskog and Sofie Kjus Huseby, HitecVision.

20.00 Master projects finance, by Bernt Arne Ødegård, University of Stavanger.

20.10 Q & A.

20.20 Individual questions and networking, incl. pizza and drinks.

22.00 Closing.


Maria Kjersem

Auditor at PwC.


Børsklubben Uis, Sylwia Joffcheff

Børsklubben Uis masterkveld .pptx

Career in Audit, Tore Olsen

Presentasjon Næringsforeningen 15.10.20.pptx

Finance and Green Development, Frances Eaton

Finance and Green Development.pptx

Career in Banking and Finance, Carl Fredrik Hjelle

career in banking and finance.pdf

The Graduate Program at HitecVision, Silje Nilsskog

The Graduate program at HitecVision updv.pdf

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